The M.O.D. Squad

MEN OF DISCIPLINE ~ Real Men, Real Issues, Real Faith, Real Spiritual Answers
We challenge and encourage men to become men of discipline, men of integrity, men of faith. Our goal is to usher men to become the strong leaders that God has called them to be, by strengthening their connection to Christ and to other men as well. The M.O.D. Squad knows that through Christ, they have what it takes to positively impact their families and the world around them. The M.O.D. Squad empowers and challenges men to learn and live out their Christian faith. We will host fellowship activities where men can connect, as well as opportunities for men to serve in various community outreach efforts helping those in need.
Discussing real issues such as:
Family and Fatherhood
Mission in life
Focus on the need for health and self care
Marriage(becoming in-tune to your spouse)
​Life Skills..sharing feelings dealing with loss or loneliness
Remaining spiritually "disciplined" in all we do
For more infomation email us at divinebreadoflife@gmail.com